New integration API available for Customers Area

New integration API available for Customers Area

A new integration, REST-based API is now available for Netcore IT customers. That API allows to get information about customer own accounts and integrate such information into applications and websites. A REST-based API can be consumed by any programming language and our Customers’ Area integration provides a wide range of information that our customers, resellers and partners can integrate into their own solutions and line-of-business applications, both to gather real-time information and to perform operations.

There are many information that the new API can provide: administrative information (billing, expiration of services and so on), detailed information about active services included domains and SSL certificates or DNS zones, besides more general information like current customer credit, list of opened support tickets and much more.

Customers and resellers will also be interested in functionalities that will allow them to perform new operations through our API, such as sending new orders, opening new support tickets, registering new domains or change domains nameservers, activate new SSL certificates, adding new DNS zones and more.

Having an integration API at their disposal will also enable our resellers to automate operations for their own customers, for example by allowing them to register new domains. Using our API is now functionally equivalent to activating new services through the Customers’ Area as the API itself will also comply with any advantage our customers enjoy, like discounts and promotions.

During the next few months Netcore is planning to extend the new API to add new functionalities and to provide even more capabilities to our customers and enable an even better integration between their solutions and applications and our management systems. We are open to suggestions and request from our customers to add new endpoints and functionalities.

Detailed information about how to consumer the new API are availabe inside our Customers’ Area. Netcore also plan to release an integration library to help customers to consume our API.

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