Private clouds

Private clouds


Deploy your own private cloud

While we can provide several managed services there is never one solution that fits all so companies might be in need to deploy their own private cloud. It might be related to compliance or the need to isolate your workload or data or even some requirement needed to get awarded some certifications. Our private cloud solutions will put you in control and you will be able to decide if you want to manage such solution yourself or you want Netcore to help so that you can focus on your core business.
Deploy your own private cloud

Support for multiple technologies

We will design a private cloud solution for you that will specifically address your needs. Do you need Windows, Linux or both? Do you want that solution to be based on containers, virtual machines or physical servers? Which kind of resiliency do you need?

Each soluton will be custom-built based on your requirements and to address your specific needs. It will adapt to the way you work and it will be based on the best technologies available on the market.

We are working with the best technologies on the market to deliver our solutions: Microsoft, Acronis, StarWind and more.

Scalable and multi-region solutions

Our private cloud solutions are higlhy-scalable. Build your applications and services knowing that you will always be able to scale your solution up and out when you need more capacity. We will build your solution with such capability out of the box so you can simply request more capacity from us and have that ready in a few time.

And if you need, we can provide solutions spawning multiple regions so that you can deploy your contents or applications closer to your target audience. Plus we can design solutions that can fail-over to other regions to ensure business continuity.

These service are currently available in:
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Self-service backups management

A backup infrastructure is critical for any private cloud deployment. Netcore can deploy encrypted backups in multiple regions to address even datacenter-wide issues, providing restore capabilities ranging from the entire machine to a single database or file folder. Multiple and different disaster recovery solutions can be enabled to meet the requirements of any RTO/RPO, including continuous data protection (CDP).

Best of all, all these functionalities can be self-managed without Netcore intervention. Enjoy full restore capabilities at any time so you don't have to wait to restore your data and bring your services back online. Anti-malware, anti-virus, anti-cryptojacking and anti-ransomware technologies are all supported.

Custom automation solutions

While Netcore can provide industry-standard private cloud solutions our technicians and developers can augment such solutions by custom automation and extensions so that these solutions can actually adapt to the way you work rather forcing you do adapt to them.

Having custom automation can dramatically improve the quality of your deployment and reduce manual interventions. Specific conditions can be monitored and remediated automatically improving performances and reducing downtimes.

Netcore development division can discuss with you about the implementation of custom functionalities and the development of custom software.

Windows Server private clouds

Windows-based private clouds can be deployed in one or multiple regions and they can host both Windows and Linux workloads. These private cloud solutions are ideal for companies that need to work using Windows as they represent the best environment for such workloads. Plus they feature an optimal integration with Linux OS as well.

Our Windows private cloud solutions can be fully customized (i.e. running Windows Server) or they can run Microsoft Azure Stack HCI.

Azure Stack HCI solutions can also be augmented by deploying Azure Arc to create environments that closely work like Azure. A good solution to maintain a degree of compatibility with Azure and use some of its service like App Service and more.