Advanced Security + XDR

Advanced Security + XDR

Netcore Advanced Security + XDR is a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that combines advanced endpoint protection, extended detection and response (XDR), and cloud-based management. It leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect and respond to sophisticated threats in real-time, safeguarding your organization’s critical data and infrastructure. With its centralized control panel, automated incident response, and seamless integration, Netcore Advanced Security + XDR empowers businesses to proactively defend against evolving cyber risks and maintain operational resilience.
Netcore Advanced Security + XDR‘s XDR (Extended Detection and Response) functionality provides comprehensive threat detection, investigation, and response capabilities across multiple security layers, enabling organizations to proactively identify and mitigate advanced cyber threats.
This solution also offers comprehensive endpoint protection, including anti-malware, web protection, and device control. It provides advanced security features such as application control, vulnerability assessment, and automated patch management to safeguard your systems beyond the XDR capabilities.
Provided as a pay-per-use solution or flat-fee solution

Advanced Security + XDR solution

* A one-time fee of €25 is required upon activation for post-paid plans. This amount will be credited to your account and can be used for your monthly payments.

Main features

Detect and contain threats with AI

EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) is a security solution that monitors and analyzes the activity of endpoints, such as computers and mobile devices, in real time to quickly detect and respond to threats and attacks. It offers advanced detection, containment and incident response capabilities, helping to improve the overall security of the organization.

These capabilities enable an initial automatic analysis of the impact the threat has had on the protected system, allowing the effects to be better understood and reversed, as well as restoring damaged data. In addition, thanks to integration with AI and constant analysis of global threats, VaiSulWeb’s EDR solution can automatically make decisions and stop many even emerging threats.

Through integration with AI, the solution learns the normal operation of protected systems and detects anomalies. In many cases, the full effects of the incident can also be undone with a single click.

Block the threat and undo the changes

The EDR service allows analysts to monitor all effects of the alleged threat by aggregating information that normally requires many different tools to collect and cross-reference, presenting it in a useful unified interface so that it is easier to analyze.

If they determine that activities are part of malicious actions, analysts can easily tell the service to block them as soon as they are detected at a later time, quarantine all processes involved, and automatically undo all changes made, including restoring data from backups. Combining these automation capabilities with the Continuous Data Protection (CDP) capabilities of Netcore protection platform can greatly reduce the chances of data loss and keep all business workloads running in an automated manner.

Rapid analysis and effective responses

Reduce the time to analyze suspicious activity from days to hours and reduce the staff required to maintain proactive security behavior. Integrate AI to detect even emerging threats and link behaviors to the MITRE attack framework so you can quickly understand how the threat arrived, how it spread, and what damage it may have done.

View a qualified list of possible problems, based on a prioritized analysis, instead of a flat list of suspicious behaviors. Receive a complete step-by-step analysis that will help you comprehensively understand the attack surface.

Complete protection of your devices

Anti-virus engine

Protect your device with a powerful anti-virus engine that is always up-to-date and is included with the service.

Anti-malware engine

A powerful anti-malware engine detects and blocks known malware and emerging threats.

Anti-ransomware engine

The service also includes an advanced anti-ransomware engine that detects the most common techniques used by ransomware to encrypt your data, nipping most of these activities in the bud.

Scan for vulnerabilities

The service constantly checks for known vulnerabilities on the analyzed device, including operating system problems.

URL filtering

The service constantly monitors connections to URLs that are potentially malicious or known to be used in attacks, and automatically blocks these connections.

Protect any device

Also protect devices outside Netcore's network. The service is available for any device, located in any datacenter.

Activate your protection starting from € 1.50* / month now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Activating the service is super easy! After creating your account, you can log in via the Web and download the necessary agent for your Windows or Linux system. After installation, you can create a protection plan that includes Advanced Security & EDR and start protecting your device in minutes.
No! It is not necessary to also activate the backup services to get the protection of Advanced Security + XDR. The two services are independent even though they are managed by the same agent.
Yes! When you do the agent installation on the device to be protected you can decide for any device which features to activate. You can then have Advanced Security + XDR and backups on some devices and on others activate only protection without backups.
Yes! When you combine Advanced Security + XDR and Netcore backup services, the service can restore files that it detects are affected by threats or alterations if they are part of a backup. These operations can be done automatically as part of the response and remediation capabilities.

In addition, if you combine these features with Continuous Data Protection (CDP) you could achieve data restoration at moments very close in time, reducing or completely negating data loss.
Yes! Web agencies, developers or managed service providers can activate the service for their clients. They can consolidate services within their account or they can let their clients activate an account with Netcore and manage the service for them by having them add their own user to the management portal and assigning them the appropriate permissions.
The Advanced Security + XDR service is ideal for protecting workloads hosted on older operating systems that are outside the window for both routine and extraordinary maintenance. Sometimes it is not possible, for various reasons, to decommission workloads hosted on operating systems that are no longer supported such as Windows Server 2008, 2008R2, 2012 and 2012R2. With Advanced Security + XDR, it is possible to improve the protection of such systems by equipping them with certain features that are available on newer systems, reducing the chances of compromise while seeking a solution for their decommissioning.
No! Your privacy, the confidentiality of your data and that of your clients is completely respected. No training is completed by analyzing your data.

When we talk about AI we mean the ability to analyze known or common or even new attack vectors to detect potentially malicious behavior such as changing security settings or enabling auto-run software or even connecting to endpoints known to be used for attacks. No data stored on the machine is analyzed and no training takes place.

When we talk about machine learning, we mean the ability of the service to store parameters of normal machine operation and use them to detect deviations from usual operation, which could be legitimate or a sign of suspicious activity. This does not include any analysis of machine-specific data such as files or databases.

At any time you can remove this historical data by simply selecting the affected machine and using the option to delete the information.
By subscribing to a flat fee plan your account is allowed to activate the amount of resources (for example, the protection of virtual machines) that are purchased.

Each month you are billed for those resources. To extend your resources, you have to upgrade your plan. To reduce your fee you have to commit to reducing your use of resources.

When you subscribe to a pay-per-use plan, you will be billed for the resources you consumed during the previous month. You can extend or reduce your plan at any time by activating new devices or removing them.
We require a setup fee when subscribing to pay-per-use accounts because we want to limit activations that will not be actually used. A small fee will motivate subscribers that actually plan to use this service and will discourage users that only plan to activate an account just because it is free.

When you subscribe to the pay-per-use account, your setup fee amount will be fully converted into credit that can be spent to pay for the services that you will be activating. There are no hidden fees.

A small setup fee won't discourage legitimate customers, even those willing to try the service.