Data Processing Agreement

Latest version: 01 June 2022

This Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) forms part of the agreement, hereafter referred to as the “Agreement”, that is entered into between Netcore IT Ltd. (“Netcore” or “Netcore IT”) and the Client, and that defines the terms and conditions applicable to the services performed by Netcore (the “Services”). This DPA and the other provision of the Agreement are complementary. Nevertheless, in case of conflict, the DPA shall prevail.

Expressions which begin with an upper-case letter and which are not defined in this DPA shall have the meaning as set out in the Agreement. “Data Subject”, “Binding Corporate Rules”, “Controller”, “Personal Data”, “Personal Data Breach”, “Processing”, “Processor”, “Supervisory Authority” are interpreted as defined in the (“UK GDPR”) as incorporated into the law of the United Kingdom under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and amended by the DPPEC Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018 as amended by the DPPEC regulations.

The purpose of this DPA is to define, according to article 28 of the UK GDPR, the conditions under which Netcore is entitled, as a Processor and as part of the Services defined in the Agreement, to carry out the processing of Personal Data on behalf of, and on instructions from the Client, excluding the Personal Data Processing activities performed by Netcore as a controller. The conditions into which Netcore processes, as a Controller, Personal Data relating to the Client (including the Client’s agents), are defined in the Netcore Data Usage Policy.

For the purpose of this DPA, the Client may act either as “Controller” or “Processor” with respect to Personal Data. If the Client is acting as a Processor on behalf of a third-party Controller, the Parties
expressly agree to the following conditions:

(a) The Client shall ensure that (i) all the necessary authorisations to enter into this DPA, including the Client’s appointment of Netcore as sub-processor, have been obtained from the Controller, (ii) an agreement, that is fully consistent with the terms and conditions of the Agreement including this DPA, has been entered into with the Controller pursuant to the said article 28 of the UK GDPR, (iii) any instructions received by Netcore from the Client in execution of the Agreement and this DPA are fully consistent with the Controller’s instruction and (iv) all the information communicated or made available by Netcore pursuant to this DPA is appropriately communicated to the Controller as necessary;
(b) Netcore shall (i) process Personal Data only under the Client’s instruction and (ii) not receive any instruction directly from the Controller, except in cases where the Client has factually disappeared or has ceased to exist in law without any successor entity taking on the rights and obligation of the Client;
(c) The Client, which is fully responsible to Netcore for the proper execution of the obligations of the Controller as provided under this DPA, shall indemnify and hold Netcore harmless against (i) any failure of the Controller to comply with applicable law, and (ii) any action, claim or complaint from the Controller concerning the provisions of the Agreement (including this DPA) or any instruction received by Netcore from the Client.

1. Scope
1.1 Netcore is authorised, as a Processor acting under Client’s instruction, to process the Controller’s Personal Data to the extent necessary to provide the Services.
1.2 The nature of operations carried out by Netcore on Personal Data may be computing, storage and/or any such other Services as described in the Agreement.
1.3 The type of Personal Data and the categories of Data Subjects are determined and controlled by the Client, at its sole discretion.
1.4 The processing activities are performed by Netcore for the duration provided in the Agreement.

2. Selection of the Services
2.1 The Client is solely responsible for the selection of the Services. The Client shall ensure that the selected Services have the required characteristics and conditions to comply with the Controller’s
activities and processing purposes, as well as the type of Personal Data to be processed within the Services, including but not limited to when the Services are used for processing Personal Data that is subject to specific regulations or standards (as an example, health or banking data in some countries). The Client is informed that Netcore proposes certain Services with organisational and security measures specifically designed for the processing of health care data or banking data.
2.2 If the Controller’s processing is likely to result in high risk to the rights and freedom of natural persons, the Client shall select its Services carefully. When assessing the risk, the following criteria shall notably, but not limited to, be taken into account: evaluation or scoring of Data Subjects; automated decision making with legal or similar significant effect; systematic monitoring of Data Subjects;
processing of sensitive data or data of a highly personal nature; processing on a large scale; matching or combining datasets; processing data concerning vulnerable Data Subjects; using innovative new
technologies unrecognised by the public, for the processing.
2.3 Netcore shall make available information to the Client, in the conditions set out below in section “Audits”, concerning the security measures implemented within the scope of the Services, to the extent necessary for assessing the compliance of these measures with the Controller’s processing activities.

3. Compliance with Applicable Regulations
Each Party shall comply with the applicable data protection regulations (including the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and Data Protection Act 2018).

4. Netcore obligations
4.1 Netcore undertakes to:
a) process the Personal Data uploaded, stored and used by the Client within the Services only to the extent necessary and proportionate to provide the Services as defined in the Agreement,
b) neither access nor use the Personal Data for any other purpose than as needed to carry out the Services (notably in relation to Incident management purposes),
c) set up the technical and organisational measures described in the Agreement, to ensure the security of Personal Data within the Service,
d) ensure that Netcore employees authorised to process Personal Data under the Agreement are subject to a confidentiality obligation and receive appropriate training concerning the protection of Personal Data,
e) inform the Client, if, in its opinion and given the information at its disposal, a Client‘s instruction infringes the UK GDPR or other domestic law relating to data protection.
4.2 In case of requests received from a judicial, administrative or other authorities to obtain communication of Personal Data processed by Netcore pursuant to this DPA, Netcore makes reasonable efforts to (i) analyse the competence of the requesting authority and the validity of the request, (ii) respond only to authorities and requests that are not obviously incompetent and invalid, (iii) limit the communication to data required by the authority and (iv) beforehand inform the Client (unless prohibited by applicable law).
4.3 If the request is coming from an authority of a third country in order to obtain communication of Personal Data processed by Netcore pursuant to this DPA on behalf of an Netcore Client, Netcore
objects to the request, subject to the following cases:
(i) the request is made in accordance with an enforceable international agreement, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty;
(ii) the requested Personal Data is stored in a data center located outside the United Kingdom;
(iii) the request is made in accordance with Article 49 of the UK GDPR, particularly pursues an important reason of public interest recognised in domestic law (whether in regulations under section
18(1) of the 2018 Act or otherwise, or is necessary to safeguard vital interests of the data subject or of other persons.
4.4 At the Client’s written request, Netcore will provide the Client with reasonable assistance in conducting data protection impact assessments and consultation with competent supervisory
authority, if the Client is required to do so under the applicable data protection law, and in each case solely to the extent that such assistance is necessary and relates to the processing by Netcore of
Personal Data hereunder. Such assistance will consist of providing transparency about the security measures implemented by Netcore for its Services.
4.5 Netcore and its partners undertake to set up the following technical and organisational measures:
(a) physical security measures intended to prevent access by unauthorised persons to the infrastructure where the Client’s data is stored,
(b) identity and access checks using an authentication system as well as a password policy,
(c) an access management system that limits access to the premises to those persons that need to access them in the course of their duties and within their scope of responsibility,
(d) security personnel responsible for monitoring the physical security of the Netcore premises,
(e) a system that physically and logically isolates clients from each other,
(f) user and administrator authentication processes, as well as measures to protect access to administration functions,
(g) an access management system for support and maintenance operations that operates on the principles of least privilege and need-to-know, and
(h) processes and measures to trace actions performed on its information system.
4.6 These technical and organisational measures are further detailed on Netcore Website.

5. Personal Data Breaches
5.1 If Netcore becomes aware of an incident impacting the Controller’s Personal Data (such as unauthorised access, loss, disclosure or alteration of data), Netcore shall notify the Client without
undue delay.
5.2 The notification shall (i) describe the nature of the incident, (ii) describe the likely consequences of the incident, (iii) describe the measures taken or proposed to be taken by Netcore in response to the incident and (iv) provide Netcore’s point of contact.

6. Location and transfer of Personal Data
6.1 When a Service allows the Client to store Content and notably Personal Data, the location(s) or geographical area of the available Datacenter(s) is specified on Netcore Website. Should several locations or geographic areas be available, the Client shall select the one(s) of its choosing when submitting its Order. Subject to any contrary provision of the applicable Special Terms of Service,
Netcore does not modify, without the Client’s prior approval, the location or geographical area chosen when submitting its Order.
6.2 Subject to the foregoing Datacenters’ location provision, Netcore and authorised Sub-Processors pursuant to section 7 below, may remotely process Client’s Content provided that such processing operations occur as needed for the carrying out of the Services, and in particular, in relation to security and service maintenance purposes.
6.3 Concerning the utilisation of Services located in non-European Datacenters, (a) the Datacenters may be located in countries which are not subjected to an adequacy decision of the Secretary of State under section 17A of the Data Protection Act 2018 (“Adequacy Decision”) and/or (b) the Client’s Content may, according to sections 6.2 and 7 of this DPA, be processed from countries not subjected
to an Adequacy Decision.
6.4 If for the purpose of Personal Data processing subjected to the UK GDPR, the Client intends to use Services referred to in the sections 6.3 (a) and (b) above, the standard data protection clauses specified in regulations made by the Secretary of State under section 17C of the 2018 Data Protection Act and for the time being in force, or the standard data protection clauses specified in a document issued (and not withdrawn) by the Commissioner under section 119A of the 2018 Data Protection Act and for the time being in force (the “Standard Contractual Clauses”), shall be implemented beforehand. To this end, the Client shall contact Netcore, provided that Netcore gives no guarantee concerning the implementation feasibility and the effectiveness of the Standard Contractual Clauses.
6.5 Concerning Services located in UK Datacenters, if the applicable terms and conditions provide that the Personal Data processing subject to this DPA may be operated from one or several non-European countries which are not subjected to an Adequacy Decision, Netcore makes available Standard Contractual Clauses which shall apply to the transfers, or, at Netcore discretion, implements any other appropriate safeguards pursuant to Chapter V of the UK GDPR.
6.6 In case of Standard Contractual Clauses implementation according to the sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 of this DPA, the Client is responsible to (i) assess the effectiveness of the Standard Contractual Clauses (including the relevant technical and organisational measures), taking into account notably the categories of data that the Client intends to process as part of the Services, and the laws and practices of the receiving countries, in order to establish if there is anything in the said law or practices that may impinge on the effectiveness of the Standard Contractual Clauses, and (ii) if the assessment reveals that the Standard Contractual Clauses are not effective, implement, any supplementary measure to ensure a level of protection essentially equivalent to that guaranteed within the United Kingdom. Netcore undertakes to assist the Client by communicating, upon request, any information in his possession that may be useful for the Client’s assessment.
6.7 Any applicable Standard Contractual Clauses shall be supplemented by the other applicable Conditions of Services (including this DPA) which apply mutatis mutandis to both the Data Importer(s)
and Data Exporter(s), provided that they do not conflict with the Standard Contractual Clauses. In case of conflict the Standard Contractual Clauses shall have precedence.

7. Sub-processing
7.1 Subject to the provisions of the section “Location and transfer of Personal Data” above, Netcore is authorised to engage sub-contractors to assist it in providing the Services. As part ofsuch assistance, the sub-contractors may participate in the data processing activities performed by Netcore under the Client’s instruction.
7.2 The list of sub-contractors which are authorised to take part in the processing activities performed by Netcore under the Client’s instruction (“Sub-processor(s)”), including the Services concerned and
the location from which they may process Client’s Personal Data according to this Agreement, is provided (a) on Netcore Website or, (b) when a Sub-Processor takes part only to a specific Service, in the relevant applicable Specific Terms and Conditions.
7.3 If Netcore decides to change a Sub-processor or to add a new Sub-processor (“Sub-processor Change”), Netcore shall notify the Client in its control panel or by email (to the email address registered in the Client Account) (a) thirty (30) days in advance if the Sub-Processor is an Netcore Affiliate located in the UK or in a country that is subject to an Adequacy Decision, or (b) ninety (90)
days in advance in any other case. The Client has the right to object to a Sub-Processor Change as provided under UK GDPR. The objection shall be notified to Netcore within fifteen (15) days following
the Sub-processor Change notice by Netcore to the Client and specifying the reason for the objection. Such objection shall be notified by the Client through its Management Interface using the category
“Data Protection request” or in writing to Data protection Officer, Netcore IT Ltd., 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX United Kingdom. Netcore shall in no case be obliged to renounce to a Sub-processor Change. If following a Client’s objection, Netcore does not renounce to the Sub-Processor Change, the Client has the right to terminate the Services affected.
7.4 Netcore shall ensure any Sub-processor is, as a minimum, able to meet the obligations undertaken by Netcore in the present DPA regarding the processing of Personal Data carried out by
the Sub-processor. For such purpose, Netcore shall enter into an agreement with the Sub-processor. Netcore shall remain fully liable to the Client for the performance of any such obligation that the
Sub-processor fails to fulfil.
7.5 Netcore is hereby authorised to engage third-party providers (such as energy providers, network providers, network interconnection point managers or collocated datacenters, material and software providers, carriers, technical providers, security companies), wherever they are located, without having to inform the Client nor obtain its prior approval, to the extent such third-party providers do
not process the Client’s Personal Data.

8. Client’s Obligations
8.1 For the processing of Personal Data as provided under the Agreement, the Client shall provide to Netcore in writing (a) any relevant instruction and (b) any information necessary for the creation of the Processor’s records of processing activities. The Client remains solely responsible for such processing information and instruction communicated to Netcore.
8.2 The Client is responsible to ensure that:
a) the processing of Personal Data as part of the execution of the Service has an appropriate legal basis (e.g., Data Subject’s consent, Controller’s consent, legitimate interests,
authorisation from the relevant Supervisory Authority, etc.),
b) any required procedure and formality (such as data protection impact assessment, notification and authorisation request to the competent data privacy authority or other
competent body where required) has been performed,
c) Data Subjects are informed of the processing of their Personal Data in a concise, transparent, intelligible, and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language as provided under the UK GDPR,
d) Data Subjects are informed of and shall have at all the time the possibility to easily exercise their rights as provided under the UK GDPR directly to the Controller.
8.3 The Client is responsible for the implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the resources, systems, applications, and operations which are not in the Netcore scope of responsibility as defined in the Agreement (notably any system and software deployed and run by the Client or the Users within the Services).

9. Data Subject Rights
9.1 The Controller is fully responsible for informing the Data Subjects of their rights, and to respect such rights, including the rights of access, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing or portability.
9.2 Netcore will provide reasonable cooperation and assistance, as may be reasonably required for the purpose of responding to Data Subjects’ requests. Such reasonable cooperation and assistance may consist of (a) communicating to the Client any request received directly from the Data Subject and (b) to enable the Controller to design and deploy the technical and organisational measures necessary to answer to Data Subjects’ requests. The Controller shall be solely responsible for responding to such requests.
9.3 The Client acknowledges and agrees that in the event such cooperation and assistance require significant resources on the part of the Processor, this effort will be chargeable upon prior notice to, and agreement with the Client.

10. Deletion and return of Personal Data
10.1 Upon expiry of a Service (notably in case of termination or non-renewal), Netcore undertakes to delete in the conditions provided in the Agreement, all the Content (including information, data,
files, systems, applications, websites, and other items) that is reproduced, stored, hosted or otherwise used by the Client within the scope of the Services, unless a request issued by a competent legal or judicial authority, or the applicable law requires otherwise.
10.2 The Client is solely responsible for ensuring that the necessary operations (such as backup, transfer to a third-party solution, Snapshots, etc.) to the preservation of Personal Data are performed,
notably before the termination or expiry of the Services, and before proceeding with any delete operations, updates, or reinstallation of the Services.
10.3 In this respect, the Client is informed that the termination and expiry of a Service for any reason whatsoever (including but not limited to the non-renewal), as well as certain operations to update or reinstall the Services, may automatically result in the irreversible deletion of all Content (including information, data, files, systems, applications, websites, and other items) that is reproduced, stored,
hosted or otherwise used by the Client within the scope of the Services, including any potential backup.

11. Liability
11.1 Netcore can only be liable for damages caused by processing for which (i) it has not complied with the obligations of the UK GDPR specifically related to data processors or (ii) it has acted contrary to lawful written instructions of the Client. In such cases, the liability provision of the Agreement shall apply.
11.2 Where Netcore and Client are involved in a processing under this Agreement that caused damage to Data Subject, the Client shall in a first time take in charge the full indemnification (or any
other compensation) which is due to the Data Subject and, for second time, claim back from Netcore the part of the Data Subject’s compensation corresponding to Netcore’s part of responsibility for the damage, provided however that any limitation of liability provided under the Agreement shall apply.

12. Audits
12.1 Netcore shall make available to the Client some documentation concerning the services including information about the conditions of data processing to (a) demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of the UK GDPR and (b) enable audits to be carried out. Such information is available in standard documentation on Netcore Website. Additional information may be communicated to the
Client upon request to Netcore Support.
12.2 If a Service is certified, complies with a code of conduct or is subject to specific audit procedures, Netcore makes the corresponding certificates and audit reports available to the Client upon written request.
12.3 If the aforesaid documentation, report and certificate prove to be insufficient to enable the Client to demonstrate that it meets the obligations laid down by the UK GDPR, Netcore and the Client will
then meet to agree on the operational, security and financial conditions of a technical onsite inspection. In all circumstances, the conditions of this inspection must not affect the security of others Netcore’s clients.
12.4 The aforementioned onsite inspection, as well as the communication of certificates and audit reports, may result in reasonable additional fee.
12.5 Any information that is communicated to the Client pursuant to this section and that is not available on Netcore Website shall be considered as Netcore’s confidential information under the
Agreement. Before communicating such information, the Client may be required to execute a specific non-disclosure agreement.
12.6 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Client is authorised to answer to competent supervisory authority requests provided that any disclosure of information is strictly limited to what is requested
by the said supervisory authority. In such a case, and unless prohibited by applicable law, the Client shall first consult with Netcore regarding any such required disclosure.

13. Contact Netcore
For any question concerning Personal Data (incident, conditions of use, etc.), the Client can contact Netcore as follow:
(a) Creation of a ticket in its Client Account Management Interface,
(b) Use of the contact form provided for this purpose on the Netcore Website,
(c) By contacting its Netcore Support Service using one the allowed methods,
(d) By post to the address: Netcore IT LTd., Data Protection Officer, 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX United Kingdom