Containers and virtual machines

Containers and virtual machines


Build your own private cloud

Deploying and maintaining your own private cloud is costly and painful, especially when you have to deal with your internal datacentre. This is even more difficult when you need to address a multi-cloud strategy to quickly respond to the needs of your business or the needs of your customers.

We can provide solutions to build your own private cloud, with the flexibility that you need. An environment made of containers and virtual machines so you can perfectly tailor your infrastructure.

We deploy. We configure. We manage it. You just activate.
Build your own private cloud
  • Build your own private cloud
  • Build your own private cloud
  • Build your own private cloud

Containers have revolutionized the industry by providing an high degree of isolation and customization while allowing to consolidate resources and ease deployment and orchestration. Pioneered by Docker, containers are now the most used and widely preferred way to deploy new applications since they are easy to build, deploy and orchestrate yet they provide more customization to developers.

Containers are now the foundation of modern infrastructures and applications.

While containers are now widely deployed and used and they mostly provide the same flexibility of virtual machines, they have limitations and sometimes they are not the best option for a specific workload or deployment scenario. Virtual machines still provide the best option when you need to fully customize your environment and run very specific workloads.

Virtual machines also are your best option when you need to achieve enhanced security and isolation.

The best flexibility is provided by a service that brings to you the the best of both worlds. You can enjoy the flexibility and simplicity of containers while still achieving the maximum customization and isolation with virtual machines.

We can provide such environments to you, so you can focus on deploying your applications and services with maximum confidence.

While the issue of multi-tenancy is still an open issue with containers, given the lack of a proper kernel isolation solution, we can provide to you the only multi-tenancy enabled solution on the market via Windows Server.

Your containers can be secured using Windows Server kernel-isolation features that enhance security when running hostile or untrusted code. This is especially useful if you’re planning to deploy .NET applications.


Our solutions

Virtuozzo Application Platform

Virtuozzo Application Platform (formerly "Jelastic") provides a PaaS platform to build complex and powerful applications with ease, also mixing containers and virtual machines.

Microsoft Windows Server platform

Build your own private cloud with our Windows Server solutions. Host both containers and virtual machines, enjoying the additional security provided by kernel isolation for containers.

Microsoft Azure Stack HCI

Azure Stack HCI is a PaaS platform designed for the cloud era. We can host your AS HCI deployments as well as manage and automate them, so you can focus on your business and enjoy this modern platform.

Acronis Cyber Infrastructure

Acronis hyper-converged infrastructure can provide virtual machines and Kubernetes in a single cluster, augmented by additional storage services like NFS, S3 and more. Host it with us.